What's Arepa?

If you’re like me and you’ve been wondering what the fuck an arepa is, Grubstreet is happy to tell you, in a post about the opening of Pica Pica on Valencia Street that includes the full text of the menu. Read it and you will come away with a greater understanding of Venezuelan food and a desire to eat some soon.

Photo by lesleyk.

11 Responses to “What's Arepa?”

  1. dredogg says:

    yo there is a hella bomb COLOMBIAN areperia on mission and 24..

  2. dave says:

    thank god, it’s not another remainder of a burrito pic

  3. johnny0 says:

    Oh god I thought those were fries for a second. Hooray cheese!

  4. A!A says:


    Oh, wait – arepo is not the same as arepa. The latter is delicious.

  5. Matt says:

    I’ve been enjoying Mr. Pollo at 24th and mission for arepas lately.

  6. It looks like a grilled pancake barfing.

  7. slinker says:

    You should try Mr. Pollo on Mission at 24th across the street from Rosemunde. That is the real deal.

  8. Al says:

    I just tried them at Caracas in the East Village AND was so in lurve that I did a quick search to see where I could find them in my beloved SF! Get out of my brain Mission Mission! Also, do try Caracas if you’re ever in NY. Highly recommend.

  9. el jeffe says:

    Tried to go there tonight – no luck. Waited 15 minutes in line only to order and hand over my card right as their whole register / computer system broke down. BUMMER!

    Everyone working there seemed to just have a confused look. They just told everyone in line that they were closed for the night and turned away a bunch of hungry customers.

    The food looked pretty great though – especially great for being gluten-free. I’ll go back some other day.

  10. John says:

    Caracas (NYC) promised to open up a joint in San Francisco four years ago and I have been waiting eagerly. Though the men and women at Caracas still haven’t come through, I eagerly await my first taste of San Francisco Venezuelan.

  11. [...] passerby with barrages of eggs as they make their way down Valencia approaching Pica Pica, that newish Venezuelen place across the street from Little Star.  My buddy Eric described his first encounter: Heading home [...]