I Don't Want to Fight

California Sunshine this afternoon presents a quick little play possibly about relationships. It’s called A and B and it starts like this:

A and B are standing in a room with a couch, a coffee table, a book shelf and a TV. A and B can be any pair- an adult and a child, a man and a woman, two men or two women.

A: I don’t want to fight.

B: I don’t either.

A: Good.

B: OK, we’re done fighting.

A: Great.

B: Wait, but we didn’t finish anything.

Read on, if you dare.

Photo by H. Jews.


California Sunshine Live at Amnesia

2 Responses to “I Don't Want to Fight”

  1. J says:

    This kind of reads like Waiting For Godot, but I like it.

  2. Chloe says:

    Interesting, except that the fact that the person could not ONCE differentiate between “you’re” (“you are”) and
    ‘your’ (possessive) pretty much undermined it. Come on now.