Shut Your Fucking Mouth Bitch Or I'll Knock You Off Your Bike

Adrienne the other day had a troubling encounter with an SFPD officer behind the wheel of an unmarked police sedan, allegedly. According to Adrienne, he cut her off, she expressed her frustration, and then he said, “Shut your fucking mouth bitch or I’ll knock your off your bike,” and proceeded to drive alongside her in a threatening and erratic manner down a section of Valencia Street.

Read the full account, and pay attention to the comments.

[via Streetsblog]

13 Responses to “Shut Your Fucking Mouth Bitch Or I'll Knock You Off Your Bike”

  1. publicfrenemy says:

    At least they didn’t push her down like they did to 71-year-old cancer patient and long-time mission revolutionary John Ross

  2. deado says:


  3. Mission Mistaken says:

    I’ll keep my mind open, even though I generally don’t like police. Why? Because every day I have to dodge spoiled entitled brats on bikes who act like they can break every law on the books and create danger for themselves and others. Grow up, ladies.

    • The Reckless Tongue says:

      Every day I ride my bike and encounter spoiled drivers who feel so ANGRY that they have to share the road with cyclists, and might have to, god forbid, slow down as they’re driving through residential neighborhoods. Perhaps everyone should show some maturity, and not just the “ladies.”

    • Rod says:

      Can we see the irony in someone who whines about having to share the road with folks who can’t afford cars using the words “spoiled” and “entitled”?

  4. This all could have been prevented if she drove a car.

  5. devoe says:

    My head tells me to side with the cop against the bicyclist, but my heart tells me to side with the cop against the bicyclist.

  6. james says:

    wow. just another reason to always carry a gun when you ride.

  7. syder says:

    the cop was right. you annoying fucking pests should be knocked off the road to a bloody death.

  8. Dan says:

    There are a lot of passive aggressive people using the road. Its too bad yall feel so powerless that you need to inflict yourselves on others. This goes for both dangerous drivers and cyclists who take up two lanes just to prove a point. What would your Mom say? “Fuck em they started it?” Probably not.

  9. Goofy says:

    WOWZER a bunch of bikes and cars doin donuts on the streets of sandwich, illinois and nobody gives a fuck. I’ll tell you what: You small town hippies better ‘real recognize real’ or somebody in a ’04 ford expedition gonna get shot by an angry bike cop with an (unchecked)ego of sizable porportions. If you have read this far into my insanity, it is time to acknowladge your disgusting thirst for conflict. The reason I reopened this comment section on such an insignificant issue is because I’m high. This is the type of thing we drug users spend our time on. Peace up, A-town down.