The battle for edgy chalk sign supremacy rages on at Frjtz, who is still in the lead for unpronounceable restaurant names.


Reggie Watts Keeping It Meta

This new Reggie Watts video is pretty awesome:

That clown guy is Jeff Seal and he used to live in the mission, so save your “not the mission” business. Also, it’s meta-as-fuck, there are beards, and features street art so it’s basically the Mission.

Tetris Treat

In a noble (yet likely futile) effort to break the recent worrisome trend of pigeon-biased posts, I bring you street art, Tetris style:

(Taken on Treat & 23rd by rhiannononon.)

The only possible improvement to this would be to color each sidewalk square as a tetris block, visible from Google Maps.

Then again, Mexist took it a step beyond, mapping out 8-bit 1978 onto streets laid out a century earlier.

Viva 8-bit Mission!


Our old pal Awww Damn is back, with a Tumblr this time. Quality is still tip-top.


Living House!

Sandwich Smooch!

Pizza Rules!

Porchlight SF Story-Telling Series At The Verdi Club Monday

Kari alerted me to the fact that she’ll be telling a story at next Monday’s Porchlight SF storytelling series at the Verdi Club. I hadn’t heard of it, so I looked it up:

Porch light brings together an eclectic mix of storytellers for evenings of entertainment and inspiration. Each storyteller tells a 10-minute tale about a specific theme, without using notes or memorization.

It sounds almost exactly like the Moth, which I love because I’m a public radio podcast fanboy. That’s right, I’m staying perfectly goddamn true to Mission yuppie form. Seriously, if I was a chick I’d probably be crushing on Ira Glass, but I guess I’ll just have to settle for the less-dreamy Terry Gross.

The theme for Monday is “Beware: Stories Of Danger”.

Monday, March 15th, 8 p.m. (Doors open at 7 p.m.)

Verdi Club, 2424 Mariposa Street, San Francisco

General admission tickets: $12.

Mystery Drunken Golf Cart?


My buddy Mike posted the first salvo on Facebook this morning:

After band practice last night, I saw a guy pulled over on Mission St. The dude had been driving a golf cart, and was epicly failing a drunk driving test. Where is a video camera when you need one?

Apres, the comments deluge . . .

I’d heard of that guy and then I saw him in my neighborhood driving around, BLASTING hip hop! I feel like I should hate him, but I kind of love him!
I see that guy stumble out of the Latin American at LEAST once a week. And he always lets random people cruise around in his cart. It might not have been him at all, but someone else!
I saw a guy cruising around a while back, blasting public enemy, in a METER READER’s cart — could it be a different guy??

Anyone have any tips as to what this mystery mobile might be all about or who could be behind it?  Could it be the Mystery Machine Meter Maid?  Or perhaps Schlomo’s Cushman is making a Bahn Mi comeback?  Gumshoes, we need answers!

Worth It/Not Worth It

Which is it? There’re always a million people in line, and there’re always a million haters walking by muttering about how it’s not worth it. If it’s not worth it, why are there so many people in line? If it’s worth it, why are there always so many people walking by saying it’s not? My head hurts!!

Photo by potential past.

Air Bass Grace

Dang, Vic Wong has another blog! And it’s full of virtuosity just like this.

Bar Feeding Pigeons

Photo by Seven Morris, from the set Pigeons.

Thanks, Seven!


Mission Street Food

Flipped Car On Chavez and Hampshire

From Peter R.

From the always exciting SE corner of the mission… a car somehow managed to flip itself over this morning on Cesar Chavez at Hampshire. I keep looking at the picture but can’t figure out how this happened…

Hope everyone’s ok. Careful out there, drivers.