I remember when this apartment building was first put up. (Just over a decade or so? I don’t know. BurritoJ?) I was sure there was no way the residents would let this stand. And yet here it is. The occupants have (4 ply?) venetian blinds, cutting the glorious glow of the orange lamp by almost 15%. (false fact) Perma jaundice.
Sorry, my time machine stops at 1950.
I would so be buying a can of metallic silver paint and do my side of the light.
On the plus side, the ficus is the window is having a hell of a good time. And Gulchie the sinkhole monster misses them by half a block.
Good finds, nonetheless. And I even forgot to mention that it was on the corner of Dolores Street and Dolores Terrace.
Hey Ariel, can you draw up a picture of Gulchie the sinkhole monster based on that map, a la your most excellent spilled coffee work?
Sure thing. Gimme a couple days and I’ll get it over to you.