The latest entry in Mission Mission’s Introduce Yourself section comes from Jason and concludes:
Oh, and if your new to the neighborhood and you drive an SUV I have stopped popping your tires and keying your paint job long ago. In fact, welcome.
Link. Kudos, Jason!
That’s fucking hilarious……specially since I’ve been a victim of tire popping and a ruined paint job. I don’t steal bikes and I share the road, and that was what I got in return.
I hope you get hit by a fucking Prius and spend the rest of your life in a eco-friendly wheelchair.
Seriously, petty crime isn’t the answer. Just like Critical Mass, you’ve all lost your purpose, voice and meaning.
Yeah, well… I guess I realized that gentrification is not really “your” fault. When the neighborhood you love becomes too expensive to live in … sell your paintings for more money, grow weed, or whatever it takes (go back to school) but don’t take it out on the individuals just trying to make there own path in the world. Yo— The kicker is even though I am a native (born in General) I am a white guy. So who is the gentrifyer? Could be me as I moved in this hood so long ago chasing cheep rent. PS— I never really keyed a car but I think I pooped a tire on an SUV once when I was extra-loaded. Sorry …
Still I can understand the actions that come from feeling like you have no voice or meaning. Boom! The sound of eviction.
I am now going back underground. I would Love to see you evolve Andrizzle.
Jason is my new hero.
It’ hurts to see what’s happening to the Mission.
is this “well-publicized stabbing at zeitgeist” dave?
Misdirected childish resentment. While the stereotype of SUV-driving yuppies may have some validity in the suburbs, where so many of you ranters come from, anyone else who has observed the Mission for very long knows that SUVs in this part of town are owned by (relatively) middle-class Mexican families, because they accommodate a whole lot of kids. I look forward to the day that you are found with pool-cue/baseball bat dents in your head because you defaced La Raza’s ride.
Hey cranky, I would never do or condone any such activity any more and I know for sure that I never messed with working class folks whatever race. I am born and raised right here btw. Please read my whole post. I can relate to crankyness though. Peace!
Even more effective than popping tires is using a valve stem remover to remove the valve stem.
I’m just sayin.