New Walgreens Reveals Future Color Scheme

Oh no. Oh no, no, no. You’re mucking this up terribly. Was that chilly white just a base coat? You were looking as beautiful as a Banana Republic. Must you really dress yourself as a Tex-Mex children’s hospital? Please reconsider.

From Sexpigeon, an update on the Walgreens-in-progress on Cesar Chavez/Mission.

I must say, I agree with the criticism so far.  However! I’m feeling positive toward 2k10 and all that it may bring.  Perhaps our new Walgreens will end up looking like a pimp pastel Mondrian?

16 Responses to “New Walgreens Reveals Future Color Scheme”

  1. MrEricSir says:

    Any graffiti artists want to fix this? I’ll buy the cans.

  2. johnny0 says:

    Ugh, those colors are terrible – I live in the Mission, not Miami.

    Here are the site drawings. The renderings show the glorious, clean white, but the elevations show the cabana-paint-splosion.

  3. flotsamjetsam says:

    Calmense. These are primers. Precita Eyes will be there soon to paint the mural.

  4. Tad Benton says:

    This is really unfortunate.

    Also…does Precita Eyes have a monopoly on murals in the Mission? I mean, I’m glad they’re around, doing their thing, but I wouldn’t mind seeing some other things as well. The mural on FoodsCo is incredibly refreshing, no? I just fear another vibrant-to-the-point-of-pushy mess-o’-faces made so cheerful and reverent that it rings wholly false.

  5. johnny0 says:

    I don’t know, those colors look pretty similar to these.

  6. [...] Mission Mission and Sexpigeon alert us to the Cesar Chavez Walgreens Color [...]

  7. I guess we forgot what primer looks like.

  8. C-LO says:

    How many gdamn Walgreens do we need on Mission Street?

    Four, apparently!

    Thats 16th, 23rd, 30th and now Cesar Chavez!

  9. Lotchana says:

    Oh lord. Please don’t allow it to look like an easter egg year round building. Isn’t there a concept for medium color scheme? Reminds me of Peet’s coffee cup design with multiple pastel colors. UGLY!

    I live next to this building and have my eyes ponder at these colors everyday, night, and years. Please go back to the drawing board!

  10. karen cliffe says:

    Those colors are dreadful. The developers must hire a professional color consultant and repaint

    • regina armas says:

      Hi Karen,

      Is this a place I can contact you? Please advise.

      Regina Armas

  11. SFDoggy says:

    For primer these colors are quite nice; if they are the real thing, we are in deep trouble.

  12. greg says:

    this blog sucks.

  13. [...] the real story today is about color palettes. Burrito Justice and Mission Mission point to the paint job on the new building going up/Walgreens at Mission and Cesar Chavez. [...]