I was treated to a surprise liquid brunch at a friends house at Florida and 21st a couple of years back and deep into the drinks someone came back from an ice run with a Bratz piñata. So there we were at noon on a Sunday, completely hammered, blindfolded, swinging away at a little blond girl suspended over the sidewalk. We were given a WIDE berth by people walking by.
We are manufacturers and exporters of Himalayan Salt Products from last 12 years. Himalayan salt is the most efficient emitter of negative ions which have many health benefits.
dont hate, the poor dont have good taste. its a fact.
Try to hate equally at least, if you feel compelled.
I think “no.thanks.” would make a splendid piñata- completely tasteless.
it’s always fun to watch small children crying in Dolores Park as they watch their older siblings beat pinata Barney or SpongeBob to death….
Dammit! I knew I should have prepared the the graphics for those Cafepress “Hit me! I’m full of delicious candy!” t-shirts before Xmas!
Do you mean beat them senseless? Because there is sense in beating on a pinata. They got candy inside!
You’re totally right! Title has been updated to reflect your brilliance.
I was treated to a surprise liquid brunch at a friends house at Florida and 21st a couple of years back and deep into the drinks someone came back from an ice run with a Bratz piñata. So there we were at noon on a Sunday, completely hammered, blindfolded, swinging away at a little blond girl suspended over the sidewalk. We were given a WIDE berth by people walking by.
We are manufacturers and exporters of Himalayan Salt Products from last 12 years. Himalayan salt is the most efficient emitter of negative ions which have many health benefits.
Himalayan salt must be what makes those famous, WWII canned meat by-products so tasty!