Cafe Arguello Closes, Makes Room For Sausage

Reader Eric sends in an update on the Cafe Arguello space:

Arguello was limping along there for a while, but it seems they’ve actually closed now.  No sign of any changes inside, but hopefully soon there will be sausages and beer.

Progress!  Rosamunde here we come!  As a stereotypical Pole (haven’t you noticed how crazy dumb I am?), I’m stoked on sausage and happy to have more of it in the neighborhood.  That’s what she said + joke about the Castro, maybe.

They’ll have vegan dogs too, dudes.  Get ready!

11 Responses to “Cafe Arguello Closes, Makes Room For Sausage”

  1. Doug says:

    does this mean more hipsters down here?

  2. candlestickkid says:


  3. Rhiannon says:

    Damn. I totally had a half-half off gift certificate there worth 50 bucks that I got for 2…

    • Doug says:

      Don’t worry Rhiannon, if as I assume you have a Groupon, then they will issue a refund. Just contact Customer Support.

  4. [...] Arguello is no more. Mission Mission reports that the Spanish food place on 2832 Mission St. is closing and will be replaced by Rosamunde [...]

  5. [...] sobre comida. El Café Arguello ya desapareció. Mission Mission informó que el restaurante de comida española en el 2832 de la calle Misión cerrará y será [...]

  6. travis says:

    I’m stunned it stayed in as long as it did… I never saw more than two groups dining there at a time the entire time I’ve lived in the area.

    If Rosamunde stayed open late (unlikely) it could get in on some of that late night Faralito action.

  7. equation says:

    a moment on the lipsters – a lifetime on the hipsters