Not a Mouse Stirring

Scene at Paxton Gate, that amazing place next to 826 Valencia.  Please buy me Hamlet mouse.

From everyday photos.  Incredible.

3 Responses to “Not a Mouse Stirring”

  1. Box says:

    First of all, the sign next to this display CLEARLY states no photography.

    But seriously, the bigger issue here is that you totally didn’t get crucified jesus mouse in the frame.

  2. Jocelyne says:

    I was also going to say that Paxton gate doesn’t allow photography. Kudos for taking it, I always want to and am too much of a scardy cat to try it.

  3. sangroncito says:

    I want the two-headed mouse. I took a photo of it….it’s on my Flickr…..gotta whip your camera out and get the shot when the staff aren’t looking.