SF is fag friendly. If you’re into retards, go to Portland or some shit.
Restroom door at El Zocalo. Taken from The Tens.
SF is fag friendly. If you’re into retards, go to Portland or some shit.
Restroom door at El Zocalo. Taken from The Tens.
The blog so nice they named it twice.
Yes, please play nice. I don’t want to move back to Portland or anything.
What’s a n00b?
Looked it up. I guess that would be me.
Funny Portland should be mentioned by the stereotypical Mission Hipster/Bicycle Yuppies types. This video is as if a group of the kind of people that were in SF in 1979 walked into some kind of time portal and reappeared in Portland 30 years later:
Storm Part 3.
From this one must conclude that Portland is a better San Francisco than San Francisco. It sure ain’t a bunch of lame cell phone photos passing as “art”.
That’s more navel-gazing than any of us can handle.
Speaking as a Portland resident, we certainly have our share of irritating hipsters and yuppie douchebags too (many of whom hail from California, incidentally).
The biggest difference, so far as I can tell, is that most people here don’t act like Portland is the center of the known universe and reflexively talk shit on other cities as a kind of crypto-snobbery.