I was alerted to this Safewaygirl’s Safeway deals blog today, which consists pretty much entirely of what’s on sale at Safeway, with enthusiastic commenteary interspersed. I was initially ready to write it off as a snooze, until I noticed the 40¢ mac & cheese. Stoked!
Other good deals, too, and nicely categorized. I tend to forget there’s a Safeway in the Mission, but perhaps I’ll stroll in this evening after work and – - OH NO I’VE BEEN VIRALLY MARKETED TO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cunning paid-ad post slipped in for good measure
Hell, I ‘aint mad at ya, we all gotta eat (although I rarely buy said eats at Safeway).
She claims she has no affiliation with Safeway, so either she’s a liar or a loon. Useful either way, though.
Also, if you count the Safeway at 30th and Mission (the one I shop at) there’s sort of two in the Mission but that’s really stretching the definition.
Oh great, just what we need — longer lines for the three cashiers working the 30th/Mission Safeway each evening. $4 mac and cheese I say!
Hi Kat, this is Laura – I write the Safewaygirl blog. I think this is my first plug from someone I’ve never met so thanks!
I promise I have no relation to Safeway and am not profiting at all from the blog. I just live down in the south bay and wanted to help my friends (guy friends in particular!) who kept getting jipped from fake deals at Safeway because they didn’t know any better. Now we all have more money to spend when we go up to San Francisco on the weekends
Happy saving!
Thanks for writing in, Laura!
There’s sorta three, but they’re all kinda borderline-Mission. There’s one between Bryant and Potrero, the one on 30th & Mission, and then the one on Market… everyone calls that one the “Castro Safeway”, but it’s between Dolores and Church, just like Dolores Park. So it still seems pretty Mission-ish to me.
If there were a Safeway at Potrero Del Sol Park then the 4 of them together would form an almost-perfect Mission border.
the castro safeway is called the castro safeway because it is in the castro.
it is between market, church, and 14th.
as a side note, there are some people who use your argument to say that Dolores Park is basically in the castro. crazy i know.