Update: They Ruining the Boogaloo Building

Painting progress:


Don’t ask me, I just work here has the scoop.

Previously on Mission Mission:

6 Responses to “Update: They Ruining the Boogaloo Building”

  1. Cindy says:


  2. Now their building is as unappealing as their food.

  3. David says:

    Bout time that old wreck got a face lift. :-p

  4. uncool says:

    Paint is a required protectant – shit rots away without it. You cant have your cool-looking urban-decay bldg and have it, too. Ever seen an unpainted car? Gone in 2 years.

  5. SFDoggy says:

    The colors are a bit garish, but it is nice to see the place spruced up. BTW, why the hating on the food? For the price, Boogaloos rocks (though I wouldn’t wait in line for it).