Who Wants to Host a Neighborhood Windows 7 Launch Party?

Sorry, everyone, I realize this is unrelated to the Mission.

Or is it?!

If anyone wants to throw a Microsoft house party, call me up.

15 Responses to “Who Wants to Host a Neighborhood Windows 7 Launch Party?”

  1. Eric says:

    Everyone can sit around and watch their computers blue screen, and reminisce about the good ol’ days of Windows Vista.

  2. Matt says:

    Throwing a Windows 7 house party makes about as much sense as having a quinciañera for your ’94 corolla.

  3. alex says:

    zomg is this for realz?

  4. Sean says:

    Since when are there are people in the Mission who use Windows?

  5. Jocelyne says:

    bleaaaahhhhh No Thanks! There was another stupid commercial like this that someone I know from Seattle was in, I wonder if he was as embarrassed as I was for him.

  6. codesmith says:

    Is MissionMission now commercially supported?

  7. mawkus says:

    Strange that comments were disabled on YouTube…how about I just bring my Thinkpad to Bender’s and try not to forget it?

    • olu says:

      damn you stole my bender’s joke!

      Vegan Window’s 7 party @ Bender’s, check the street art for authy deets!

  8. johnny0 says:

    Someone edited the video to make it sound like a much more, um, interesting party:


  9. mattymatt says:

    Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if you threw a party without bothering to install the new Windows? I mean, what would the POINT be?

  10. Junk Thief says:

    This video is great fun. The blatantly racist “they did by letting you be involved” jab at 5:50 is pretty shocking and finally unmasks the tension brewing beneath this happy talk. Just imagine how things will go at the actual party when there is real booze flowing

  11. Mike says:

    Thanks for the video.