Free Web-Enabled Cells Phones in Dolores Park THIS SUNDAY

Broke-Ass Stuart, this one is for you.  Some scavenger hunting party collective is doing a reality TVesque hunt this weekend in Dolores Park.  What makes this notable is that they give all participants web-enabled cell phones.  Yeah, you’re probably expected to return them at the end of the hunt, but who is stopping you from never finishing?  Free fucking phones, people.

On a more important note, the theme of their scavenge hunt is “Mission Hipsters vs. Marina Preppies.”  This is not the first time this week we have seen this theme being used.  Honestly, this theme is so played that you’ll get the clap just from looking at it.  Team Mission Mission had a little staff meeting and determined that, going forward, the acceptable “Haha.  Oh, San Francisco” party theme is “People who view the city as a mass of Hipsters and Preppies vs. people who actually live here.”

8 Responses to “Free Web-Enabled Cells Phones in Dolores Park THIS SUNDAY”

  1. candlestickkid says:

    I thought there was a campaign to clean up Dolores Park.

  2. Eric says:

    This sounds like a massive fail.

    The only IRL scavenger hunt worth playing in this city is the Jejune Institute games.

  3. brittney says:

    “so played that you’ll get the clap just from looking at it”


  4. Preppie says:

    Shut up hipster!

  5. Hipster says:

    You shut up, preppie

  6. Njudah says:

    Shit why don’t we go all S.E. Hinton and shit on this and make it a fight between the Socs and the whatever they called Soda Pop and his crew.

  7. The Jejune Institute rocked my world. This could be pretty cool. At least they have a kick ass website.

  8. Chris says:

    Well considering these guys have been a San Francisco business running out of the Mission since 2001 it would seem they’d know the score.