Help Wanted

Dear Readers,

We would like to maybe take on a new editor or two, but all of our friends either have demanding professional lives or bummer senses of humor. If you think you or someone you know might be a good fit, please send me an email (allanhough at gmail).

Thanks for reading,


25 Responses to “Help Wanted”

  1. Soledad Dolores says:

    i guess that’s sad. sorry about all your problems.

  2. grafiksgirl says:

    I would! However, I work in my own personal hell known as the Marina. Granted, said job where I do nothing all day is mobile…

  3. er, don’t mean to shamelessly take advantage of the potential talent that is reading this post, but i need some help too.

  4. Allison says:

    What does being an editor entail?

  5. Señor DingDong says:

    Does the editing position pay?

  6. daisy says:

    If only I were funny. Or understood why hipsters make so many poor fashion decisions.

    • Allan Hough says:

      Neither of those things precludes you from consideration, Daisy. As a matter of fact, the job is yours if you want it. It would look really good on your résumé.

  7. Box says:

    I nominate myself as editor if only to transcribe stories Kiya tells me so I can get paid in lengua tortas.

  8. goldballoon says:

    what if I have no experience at editing (besides being a master perfectionist) and I don’t live in the Mission (but my girlfriend does)?

  9. goldballoon says:

    I visit mission mission on the daily, btw. love it.

  10. TripleYoi says:

    If I get to do a pictorial of while I am there, I will work for negative wages.

  11. Emily says:

    Damn, I sort of want to pretend I have time to do this.

  12. Becky says:

    I own a camera phone, do I qualify?

  13. lauren says:

    Hi there.

    Is there an email address I can write you on?
    I have experience in this area and i’d love to discuss it further.


  14. jaime says:

    lauren how about you read the post….