Dear Readers,
We would like to maybe take on a new editor or two, but all of our friends either have demanding professional lives or bummer senses of humor. If you think you or someone you know might be a good fit, please send me an email (allanhough at gmail).
Thanks for reading,
i guess that’s sad. sorry about all your problems.
Is this your application? Because this and the five other comments you just left lead us to believe you might be a genius. Are you?
sometimes i am afraid i am sad
I would! However, I work in my own personal hell known as the Marina. Granted, said job where I do nothing all day is mobile…
er, don’t mean to shamelessly take advantage of the potential talent that is reading this post, but i need some help too.
do applicants need to adopt the house style of your blog, such as it is?
What does being an editor entail?
Editing. Mostly.
Does the editing position pay?
I think the noevalleybuzz one does.
It probably pays in equity. You’ll basically be a part owner of the internet after all.
If only I were funny. Or understood why hipsters make so many poor fashion decisions.
Neither of those things precludes you from consideration, Daisy. As a matter of fact, the job is yours if you want it. It would look really good on your résumé.
I nominate myself as editor if only to transcribe stories Kiya tells me so I can get paid in lengua tortas.
what if I have no experience at editing (besides being a master perfectionist) and I don’t live in the Mission (but my girlfriend does)?
what’s your favorite bar?
(correct answers are Pops, Shotwells, The Phone Booth -we would also accept El Rio)
I like uptown (mostly) and phone booth and I’ve only been to benders once since they reopened. And I used to like zeigeist a lot more before I saw a lady that had two babies in one of those double-strollers.
So much for much for perfecionism.
Bender’s is the correct answer.
I visit mission mission on the daily, btw. love it.
If I get to do a pictorial of while I am there, I will work for negative wages.
Damn, I sort of want to pretend I have time to do this.
I own a camera phone, do I qualify?
Hi there.
Is there an email address I can write you on?
I have experience in this area and i’d love to discuss it further.
lauren how about you read the post….