The other night I was on Taylor Street in some other neighborhood and I saw a tree growing in the sewer. I need to visit other neighborhoods more often.
The other night I was on Taylor Street in some other neighborhood and I saw a tree growing in the sewer. I need to visit other neighborhoods more often.
The blog so nice they named it twice.
Maybe it’s time for a camping trip in the underground forest.
There’s another one in an alley off Valencia, near the back entrance of Scuderia
I see tree sewers in SoMa all the time. There’s a few on Townsend between 3rd and 4th.
Perhaps this is Newsom’s ultimate greening initiative. Plants literally bursting out from underneath the streets. But that might imperil all the news skid greased condos so maybe not.
Are you sure its not a homeless guy. There is/was a homeless guy near Taylor and Bush who had constructed a full ghillie suit out of shrubs from around the neighborhood. One time I ran past a historic building in the area… with three rows of bushes extending out towards the street. Realized that only two rows were real when the third coughed, rolled over and went back to sleep.
Those aren’t sewers, they’re access panels, usually for electrical transformers or whatever.
And the ‘Trees’ pictured here look like the things I always see, which are some kind of sticky nettle-like plant (super super SUPER invasive if it gets into your yard)
Sewer tree!