Do-It-Yourself Yellow Journalism Machine

sfbg_toilet_valencia & 20th

Spotted yesterday by reader Kate B. near 20th and Valencia. Thanks, Kate!

10 Responses to “Do-It-Yourself Yellow Journalism Machine”

  1. Stucco Sux says:

    Well they certainly picked the appropriate news box!

  2. Israel Hands says:

    All the haters can go choke on some Street Food and die.

  3. Marke B. says:

    I don’t get it.

  4. Stucco Sux says:

    ‘Choke on some street food and die, haters!’ — that’s funny.

    Preferred street food to die eating (if its time, its time):

    Definitely “Blue Bottle Vietnamese coffee” from Humphry Slocombe, or the carnitas soft taco from El Toyanesse.

  5. Eric says:

    Next step: turn the SF Weekly box it a urinal.

  6. misterpharmacist says:

    Really, there should be a giant toilet seat hovering over the entire city, but I digress…

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