Can I Wear an Ironic Vest and Have My Picture Taken with the Creme Brulee Man Too?

The Creme Brulee Man is currently in Dolores Park posing for photographers so internet can jizz all over itself tomorrow.


4 Responses to “Can I Wear an Ironic Vest and Have My Picture Taken with the Creme Brulee Man Too?”

  1. suckerpunch says:

    It was for the 7×7 blog… err “magazine”.

  2. Stucco Sux says:

    Oh, darling fellow Missionites… (sorry Missionite, for using your handle without permission)

    We are in the midst of potential and utter overtaking.

    There is no cure for what ails us, as we have become uuber hip. ANd uuber hip is just one small plate away from overrun. Chasing out American Apparel is like checking a heroin addiction by seizing a needle. The force of it is still there — invisible, insidious, bottle blond and clad in bad jeans.

    Our way of life here is toast, or more likely toast points served to Marina residents from a $50,000 cart owned by Starbucks.

    I weep.

    • zinzin says:

      aw come on. is it that bad?

      and didn’t it actually happen like 10 years ago?

      i say viva la mision. all are welcome.

      (except AA of course. they suck. and that yogurt place. keep your eye on them.)

  3. Stucco Sux says:

    I was just making a 7×7 joke. But I’m willing to take bets on the $50k Starbucks cart. You can take that prediction to the bank.