Two Ninjas Spotted Atop of Skechers' Tower

Last night, two individuals were spotted enjoying the view on top of Skechers’ tower.  In response to some shouting from street-level, one of the builderers was overheard exclaiming “can I check into Foursquare from up here?”

Ninja Hanging on Skechers' Tower


4 Responses to “Two Ninjas Spotted Atop of Skechers' Tower”

  1. that’s can’t be safe.

  2. Margot says:

    I have gotten drunk and climbed buildings (like that) in the Mission. A lot of people do it, you’d be surprised.

  3. rachel says:

    did they knock down the crow’s nest?

  4. [...] Skechers Ninja Explore posts in the same categories: Food and Drink [...]

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