In case you missed it, Saturday night was certainly an exciting and interesting scene in the Mission. After El Salvador upset Mexico in a World Cup qualifier, the district lost its collective shit. The streets were full of cars speeding up and down Mission St. flying flags and honking their horns as small crowds, waving flags and cheering, gathered on street corners. Naturally, as the night progressed, the neighborhood turned into a public toilet for vomiting and urinating.

From afar, this looked like an AIPAC rally.
But at least we don’t throw ourselves on the floor, faking being injured!
ja ja ja ja ja ja pinches mexicanos tenian fe en el cjoto de cuatemo
Thank for the article and the sarcastic Viva El Salvador, the message got to the audience. I’am sorry. It is a shame that in that place there is not public toilets avalable, Drank people behave that way not only salvadorean, of course it not an unaceptable behaviour.
Sorry to have offended you. I didn’t intend for that to be seen as a racist slight toward Salvadoreans. I lived in Boston before I moved to the Mission and Boston is known for going absolutely nuts every time the Red Sox win a game. Back there, people didn’t just pee in the streets but smash wins, light fires and get the riot police called–it was truly impressive.
Anyways, I’ll remove the remark as I can see how it can be misinterpreted. Again, I didn’t mean anything by it.
There’s video, too!
This was upset city. Mexico was expected to win. NOT! on this day. Good match. I flipped over to watch the last bit after the USA match. Check out my blog Bobby Gee
estuvo un buen partidos
i feel sad they lost (lol)
era un buen partido los pinches mexicanos perdiero un partido de fuego los mexicano son unos loser and some suckers.
It was a fare game El- Salvador Won. Diego, GANAMOS!!! Don’t be a sore loser!!! Que Viva El-Salvador
to me mexico is good in lucha libre or box but not for soccer, they are too pinches they play like animals
they never win por getones y idolatras
Al mundial no vamos, pero a Mexico ganamos.
(To the World Cup we won’t go, but we’ll beat Mexico.)
Alas, it looks like Honduras was too much for our asesinos de gigantes…
“Naturally, as the night progressed, the neighborhood turned into a public toilet for vomiting and urinating.”
Man. I really can’t wait until Allan gets back.
You really don’t know your audience do you Kevin?
I bet the replies in Spanish came as a shock to you. You’ve been treating this site as some sort inside joke among white gentrifying hipsters. You couldn’t even begin to understand the diversity of the Mission Mission readership because if you did you wouldn’t be so offensive. Sure you could say something like “Naturally, as the night progressed, the neighborhood turned into a public toilet for vomiting and urinating.” But to what purpose? To what end result? If it was a stab at humor, it was a lame one.
Was it informative? Nope. Was it interesting or illuminating? Nope. There are a million directions this post could have taken but you chose to dash off a snarky comment. I stand by my remarks about your carnaval post- it’s just dull.
while i think the comment was careless & poorly written, i don’t think kevin made this as an intentional offense to or attack at our latino neighbors.
fact is, ANY event or celebration in the hood generally leads to piss and puke all over the place. hell, there’s piss and puke all over the place regardless of the case, and regardless of which ehtnic or socio-economic group happens to be gathering.
and THAT’S the purpose, i would say, of the comment, poorly worded as it may have been. wonder why that is, all the piss and puke (and shit) in our hood, all the fucking time? (it’s a particularly easy phenomenon to note if you live on capp street).
also, if you want to talk about dull – pretty dull is hauling out the tired old “white gentrifying hipsters” complaint. one short-sighted, judgemental, stereotype denigration is as bad as the next.
While I think I stop with this last remark, I don’t really believe I was the one hauling out the tired old notion of “white gentrifying hipsters”. I think that was the audience the writer thought he was addressing. I just put a name on it. I think the complexity of this readership is so much more than that and I don’t think he’s doing anyone any favors around here by assuming otherwise.
In my opinion I think the writer thought it was some sort of clubby, cliquey, closed forum of like minded individuals who find remarks like that funny. Not all of us do.
omg booo hooo….tell ur people to behave them selfs in public….
yeah el salvador we kiked mexico ass n were ganna do it again!!!!!!
pinches mexicanitos ban a perder en el asteca jajajajajajaja jotitos
elsalvador 2 mexico 0 jajajajajjajajajajajjaj
jajajAJQAjajaj ihombutas pendiron los malditos mexicanos sarodate desgrasado intullllllssss@2@2@@@@@@@@^^@@