BTW, we're going to be billing you for this EMT once you are all patched up. Sorryboutit.
There was just an 8 on 1 beatdown and mugging on Capp and 24th right at the entrance of the corner parking lot. All accounts claim it was pretty brutal. 8 youngings, 3 girls and 5 guys, were hanging out in the back of the parking lot for “over 30 minutes,” according to a anonymous witness at the scene, when a fairly built male in a red convertible pulled up and parked. The teens then jumped him and beat him up pretty badly. Apparently he fought them off briefly but they eventually wrestled him to the ground and started kicking him in the head. They then took all his possessions and “even tried to steal his car” but eventually fled the scene in their own vehicles that were parked on Capp.
Where are the Watchmen when you need ‘em? Clearly this police thing isn’t working, and nobody wants a lawsuit for beating up teenagers- what do we do?
Just now, as in, 4pm? It’s awful regardless, but it makes me even angrier that shit like this can happen in broad daylight. I hope that, at the very least, somebody got some license plate numbers.
Fucking kids.
yeah, i saw the kids run off. had no clue what happened
and then some cop on a BIKE whizzes past me. it was like reno 911.
Our intersection is the best intersection!
If anyone’s in the market, two of the houses directly across the street from that lot are for sale. Prime real estate, you guys.
this would be a good definition of the word “mainy”.
so they were waiting for the guy?
From what I understand, not that specific guy, just waiting for anyone.
[...] at Mission Mission, and in style. It’s not so great to see the news he brings us today, of a beatdown and mugging on Capp and 24th St., around 4p.m., with three girls and five guys assaulting what appeared to be a random passer-by as [...]
This is why I encourage everyone to call 553-0123 anytime they see kids loitering. Squeaky wheel!
[...] es muy triste saber lo que deparan las noticias de hoy. Esta tarde alrededor de las 4pm hubo un asalto acompañado de una golpiza en la calle Capp y la 24 cometido por tres mujeres y cinco hombres que, al parecer asaltaron a un transeúnte al azar, [...]
Isnt it strange that 24th st is at its most dangerous between the hours of 4pm-7pm?
Kids are insane and without hope these days….
all i can say is “Bernie Getz”
be interesting to know if this was truly “random” or if there was a deeper story / connection between the parties. we’ll never know, probably, but still. most of the violent beat downs in the hood are not all that “random” from what i understand…the usual junkie muggings notwithstanding.
we haven’t seen any “beat down the gentrifying white people” type acts over the years, that i know about, like i saw in philly & NYC in the past. dunno if beat down dude fit that description….
shame that the kids in the mission don’t have anything better to do. only getting worse with near-term budg cuts too, not that it sounds like this crew would be chillin at the community center if the programs were ongoing.
gonna be an interesting summer…and an interesting fall / winter as the economy (hopefully) swings.
lol mission still got it.
LOL indeed, Aaron. Mission still got it, yo; that’s why the really authentic cool kids lay their heads here. Brutal beatings ‘n gang rapes ‘n shit, and really authentic burritos, not like in that whack Marina, or Stanford.
Back in december, I got mugged capp/16th, 8pm on a wed.- was just 1 kid though and I got in some damage and chased the fucker- a few stitches for me afterwards
Whew. Glad I live in the Tenderloin. Not many ‘wild’ youths.