To The Sorry Excuse For A Sad, Lonely, Unwanted Bitch

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11 Responses to “To The Sorry Excuse For A Sad, Lonely, Unwanted Bitch”

  1. La Wade says:

    That sign was actually the second in a series. The first can be found here:

  2. meave says:

    I am not sure I understand what’s going on. Does the writer mean “adoption BY tormenting strangers”? Like, the poster had a kitten, who was an outdoor cat, and it was ‘rescued’ by a (well-meaning?) stranger and taken to animal control/SFSPCA more than once, and after so many times the poster was not allowed to have the cat back anymore?

  3. Jonno.N says:

    I can’t click all the links contained due to work blocks, can somebody flickr these or something?

  4. Meave: I think that’s the gist of it, yeah.

    For my money, anyone trying to keep an outdoor cat in the Mission (and an un-neutered one to boot!) is an idiot, so cheers to the unnamed rescuer.

    • meave says:

      If that is what actually happened, then I am with you on condemnation of the former owner and support of the rescuer. Goddamn, people, spay/neuter and keep your animals indoors.

      • Sam says:

        keeping an animal indoors 24/7 is NOT healthy for them, okay yes we have to many strays and if you don’t want to have any more pets in your house yes spay or nueter them. but i have not seen one animal that doesn’t want to go outside… okay maybe the goldfish doesn’t want to go for a walk but really

  5. Joe Martin says:

    This sounds like the work some sort of “I’m-so-vegan-I-don’t-believe-in-having-pets-or-swallowing-when-I-give-bee-jays” type craziness. It is probably the symptom of a nutrient-deprived brain or something.

    Not that there is anything wrong with your lifestyle oh vegan friends of mine.

  6. La Wade says:

    I live on this block, and there are A LOT of outdoor cats there. Most of our neighbors are from Mexico, and I don’t think the concept of “indoor cat” exists there.

    Most of them seem pretty healthy to me, although I definitely agree that it is irresponsible to let your sexually intact cat wander the neighborhood.

  7. zinzin says:

    seems to me this is a sad and (maybe, just sort of kind of, maybe) slightly unbalanced person who lost their kitty.

    and (maybe, just sort of kind of, maybe) didn’t know how to take care of the kitty, too.

    it’s sad to lose your pet.

    that said, we have an outdoor cat on our block named Pierre who comes & visits us, and he’s super nice and obviously well cared for…so there ya go.

  8. Heather says:

    Good to hear the cat is safely away from this lunatic. “Traumatized with cruel neutering”? Bitch, please. Talk to me about that after you’ve been over to City Animal Care and Control, and seen the dead animals that had to be put down for lack of space.

  9. jessica says:

    yeah, i agree (heather). for the sake of all the ‘extra’ animals that have to be put down and for operational sanity, animals should be spayed/neutered. but it would still suck to wake up one day and find that your uterus and ovaries were removed, or your balls.