Boot 'n' Rally on Capp

Kevin Montgomery, my favorite Mission District news source:

I just watched someone pull a boot n’ rally on Capp. Typical for a weekend night, atypical for a Monday lunch.


13 Responses to “Boot 'n' Rally on Capp”

  1. monkeeknifefight says:

    I just clicked on the link to a tweet after they had posted entire tweet wondering what the fuck a “boot n’ rally” is. I still don’t know, but now I am annoyed.

  2. plumpy says:

    monkeeknifefight: It’s when you drink a lot, puke, and then start drinking again. I didn’t know either, but I used google because I am an Internet Professional.

  3. Allan Hough says:

    Like I said, blogs keep your brain muscles fit, because you have to do some of the work yourself.

  4. zinzin says:

    heh. this ain’t as rare on ol’ capp street as one might think.

    what is it called when one drinks, hurls, uses the booze to rinse out one’s mouth (like swish & spit), and then resumes drinking?

    is it a different name for vodka vs. old english?

    i saw it last week at 8am @ Capp & 16th.

    (and i used the goog as well).

  5. monkeeknifefight says:

    Sorry to be cranky, but I hate wasting clicks. Having the “Link.” in there was completely unnecessary. Unless someone makes a tenth of a penny every time it’s clicked.

  6. @monkeeknifefight Is it because you think there are only so many clicks out there? That once you hit the end you’ll be left in the dark?

    Reminded of that scene in Amadeus when Mozart is told to take out a few notes by the king/emperor/whatever.

  7. Allan Hough says:

    OK you’re right, that bit was sloppy of me. Next time I’ll go like “atypical for…” and then the link, so you get something valuable for your click.

  8. monkeeknifefight says:

    @plumpy: Thank you for explaining it to me.
    @zinzin: Peppermint schnapps is an excellent mouthwash substitute.
    @Allan Hough: Thank you! I love suspense!
    @Noe Valley, SF: When the computer is both your livelihood and entertainment, typing/clicking/mousing starts to hurt. Seriously.

  9. Lapidgeon says:

    Reminds me of when I noticed a pile of boot on my block, only to find that it was not the result of some errant passerby, but of the tenant of the building in front of which the boot sat. This was confirmed by telltale splatter from the first floor window. Still waiting to point and laugh at the offender but haven’t ever caught them outside.

  10. G. says:

    Does anyone know if Kevin Montgomery is from the east coast? “Boot” is a pretty common term on the other side of things, but rarely used on the west coast. Out here we say “puke and rally,” a term that would unboudtedly left no questions in the blogoshpere.

    • Mercury says:

      I agree “Puke and Rally” is the nomenclature that I am use to. Of course we all can’t be from the West Coast

  11. Monty says:

    I had this friend back in Boston that would pretty much boot ‘n’ rally on a weekly basis. This guy was amazing. Drink for two hours, gracefully puke all over the place and proceed to drink for another couple of hours completely unfazed. The Professional. It’s the only way to eat 2-star Cantonese food.

    Respect the boot ‘n’ rally.

  12. nattles says:

    what will you do while Monty’s in Boston all next week? where will our mission news come from?!?