Muni Ass Clown


The above is the answer to the following question, posed by Iron Davy Cole:

What’s the best use of the seat next to you on a completely packed 14?


Update: Ass Clown Redux. (Thanks, Eve!)

12 Responses to “Muni Ass Clown”

  1. vic says:

    Geez, leave him alone, he’s about to get a high score

  2. LibertyHiller says:

    I’m pretty sure I saw this guy on the subway the other night, but at least then he wasn’t taking up two seats. The game on the computer is definitely the same one. From watching him play it for about 10 minutes or so, I have to say that it makes WoW look like a good use of time, but it might be entertaining if you had an extreme disability.

  3. jimbeam says:

    Hahahaha. What a weirdo

  4. mark says:

    oh no i think thats bejeweled, that game is great.

    i swear i’m not that guy though.

  5. mark says:

    wait is he playing the game on a laptop standing up in the second picture? that’s dedication!

  6. dappercat says:

    Looks like Bejeweled!

  7. Oh, I love that he’s playing Bejeweled. That makes me happy inside.

  8. meave says:

    It’s not 100 percent ass-clownishness if no one had the sense to ask him to move over.

  9. johnny0 says:

    Someone needs to tell him that you can play Bejeweled on an iPhone.

  10. monkeeknifefight says:

    Jeez, it’s not even Bejewed 2. The iPhone version doesn’t store high scores, btw. Sucks!

    @ meave:
    Headphones bring him to well over 200%.

  11. monkeeknifefight says:

    Somebody make me a game called “Bejewed.” Please?

  12. zinzin says:

    i play that game every day of my life.

  13. [...] Muni Ass Clown The above is the answer to the following question, posed by Iron Davy Cole: What’s the best use of the seat next [...] [...]