Doctor Popular spotted this wildman on 19th Street. Click here for Doc’s commentary and a closeup of the piece’s gnarly texture.
Doctor Popular spotted this wildman on 19th Street. Click here for Doc’s commentary and a closeup of the piece’s gnarly texture.
The blog so nice they named it twice.
Very cool.
DocPop notes the dripping technique must have been combined with a stenciling technique. This is like controlled, organized, layered Pollock. There seem to be 3 or 4 layers of different gradations, each with a combination of 2 or 3 colors that make up the gradation of their layer. But there also seems to be considerable skill and subtlety of drip application for the different areas of each layer. Awesome artistry.
Plus – does anyone know this guy? (I mean the guy with the guitar represented in the painting…) I seem to have vague memories of a street artist looking like him, but perhaps this is total fabrication of a virtual street artist based on my vague unfabricated memories of so many actual street “artists” in the ‘hood.
i walked by it this AM and it is a nice piece with an interesting technique.
folks have tried to pull it off the wall, testing the edges…which i guess is flattering to the artist….but maybe philosophically untoward…?
i hope to see more of this person’s work put up in places that don’t make it into a huge pain in the ass for property owners.
friend of mine has a 12×8 (3 (4×8) pieces of plywood) reminisce horse from back in the day…paid the construction guys to take it down and brought them replacement plywood to put up. it’s a beauty.
but again, is that bad? to want to personally “have” the pieces? or should they be transient public property that just fades away over time?
imho, most “street art” really fits the transient category. some is more enduring.
wish i had pulled a few Keith Haring pieces down back in the 80s. he did a few on paper….
Doctor Popular = oxymoron. dude’s a buster.
yeah it’s pretty lame to tear down a piece of street art to keep it for yourself. There’s a fine line of stealing there. If your friend ever had reminisce over and she saw her piece I don’t think she’d be too happy…. or maybe she would for saving it? like I said fine line, probably depends on the person but I’d say keep it where they put it til it gets destroyed.
i agree. and my friend is both proud and sheepish about the whole thing. he did “save” the piece from demolition at the time, from what he says, they were about to tear the partition down….
i am not sure what reminisce would say. he is a lover of her art, and went through great effort to “get” the thing. but yeah…fine line.
artist named Tucker Nichols based here in SF does pieces directly on walls in galleries. not remove-able. very interesting work. all very topical and current events focused. the making is part of the show. when his run at the gallery is over, on the last night, he paints it over…pure white. like it was never there.
SAME OLE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same Ol forever!
Homeless sit in our parks and drink in our streets. They become a fixture in a community much like a mural or a sculpture. With time, they become overlooked. Passers rarely acknowledge them. They become more an object than a person. Eventually, the are completely ignored and become transparent, though their stories and backgrounds are usually as colorful and layered as anyone’s.
This project acknowledges the stories of the homeless. Like all street art, it is to provoke a thought, aesthetically as well as conceptually. What is this individual’s story and how did it result in this lifestyle? Indirectly, I hope this curiosity probes one’s OWN story.