Everything's Broken

I always mean to take more pictures of piles of junk on the sidewalk, but often neglect to. Luckily, le is on top of things. Link.

Update: I was so busy poking fun at the Weekly, I neglected to dig a little deeper. Turns out this photo is but one of many in Elly’s set devoted to discarded chairs on the streets of SF: chairs.

Also, this reminds me of Eric Slatkin’s payphones.

4 Responses to “Everything's Broken”

  1. monkeeknifefight says:

    I’ve always wanted to do a similar photo study, but of only one object. The two I see most often abandoned on the sidewalks of the Mission: televisions and strollers. Now, televisions I understand, but why are strollers so disposable?

  2. Allan Hough says:

    My guess would be, a broken stroller is not something you’d want to keep around. Cool dads, can you confirm?

  3. zinzin says:

    i saw a guy walking down mission street using a stroller as a shopping cart…i mean, really, he was a full grown man, shopping mission street, and piling his stuff in a little pink stroller.

    as an aging hipster with minor dependents, i think it’s because strollers are often hand-me-downs, and that takes away their value, so when they break…out they go. there’s always another one somewhere…

    what i dont understand is why it’s OK to abandon all this crap on the street.

    i personally see a lot of dressers.