Shootings Last Night

Left four injured.

17 Responses to “Shootings Last Night”

  1. zinzin says:

    safety continues to be the number one issue in the hood.

    one can get amusingly distracted by the circus of emotion poured out over one company’s efforts to cash in on the hood’s cache, and fill a vacant storefront….but really it’s all meaningless.

    the mayor, the DA (ESPECIALLY the DA), the do-nothing BoS….we’ll see if Mr. David Campos has anything to say about this…he wont.


    except for a select group of white folks on valencia street. credit where it’s due…my opinion they totally miss the mark in terms of priorities…but they do CARE about SOMETHING.

    can chicken john get 400 people to storm David Campos’ office and demand that something be done about safety in the hood?

    reigning in street crime on 16th & mission would be a good start…

    chicken…? can we talk…?

  2. zinzin says:

    yeah. and like, no one actually got killed, so….you know, no big deal.

  3. codesmith says:

    So you think “something” needs to be done about young Latino kids caught up in gang culture and settling their differences with guns. What do you think a bunch of white people storming Campos’ office is really going to do? Get more cops on the streets (with our budget problems)? You think that’s going to change the culture? Can a “select group of white folks” really do something about this? A bunch of 30 and 40 something hipsters asking for change to something that’s a Latino issue would seem to be a non-starter – maybe even perceived as racist.

    This constant complaining of the Stop AA haters about mis-placed priorities is way off-based. I know you folks are upset about the AA thing but saying that energy should have been somehow directed towards “stopping the violence” is talking apples and oranges.

  4. zinzin says:

    far as AA, you’re right. fair enough. that horse is dead. it doesn’t matter if i agree with the anti-AA crowd…they mobilized successfully.

    and the fervor with which the whole anti-AA thing was mobilized can be a model for mobilizing on actual material issues in the hood, ones that really matter.

    doesn’t have to be only “30 and 40 something white hipsters”. that’s the point. the hood is far more diverse than that, and issues that actually matter effect a much broader array of folks.

    what if folks mobilized across racial & economic lines to bring attention to the needs of the hood? because everyone wants safe streets, no? everyone would like to walk to bart on a tuesday morning and not have to dodge crack deals and pimping, no?

    so “apples & oranges”? doesn’t have to be, i don’t think.

  5. hipsters cannot be 30 or 40 something. 32 is the max! after that you become a cool dad.

  6. Neo Displacer says:

    The violence is a neighborhood issue, to characterize it as a Latino issue is absurd. I live within a block of many of the murders. My neighbors have children. I’m worried that a stray shot will hurt one of my neighbors. It’s happened across the bay in Richmond and in Oakland. If it takes Anglos’ righteous anger to get a coordinated and effective response to the violence then so be it. The idiots who show little value for their lives or their neighbors’ are just that, idiots, they’re not primarily Latino or Anglo or anything else except thugs that should be in Pelican Bay

  7. codesmith says:

    @zinzin – I’m not really sure the problems around 16th and mission are related to all the youth violence. Sure it would be great if 16th and Mission area could be cleaned up – but I don’t think that’s going to affect all the kids shooting each other.

    @Neo Displacer – sure as neighbors we’re all affected to varying degrees but the root cause is definitely within the latino youths and families. And I would say that all of the violence is perpetrated (at least in neck of the Mission) by latino kids. Gangs are part of the culture – do some research of Norteno and Sereno gangs – that’s the start of it. And kids in the neighborhood are sucked in to varying degrees. There is gang culture in many Latino families. As the father or uncle does so does the teenage child. Or newly arrived immigrant that’s forced in. I don’t think righteous anger from people outside the system is going to do affect any change.

  8. zinzin says:

    i agree the issues at 16th & mission are not immediately, directly gang related. and it’s 100% true that gang culture is a deep & historic aspect of latino culture. particularly in the mission.

    i wasn’t trying to equate the two, and i agree that there’s no simple “solution” to the “gang problem”. it would be naive & presumptuous to say there was.

    my point was that these shootings – regardless of who did them – and the consistent non-reaction to them, is indicative of a major problem in the hood:


    cops, politicians, the mayor, the DA, even people that live here… almost anyone who COULD make a difference, is OK with saying “ah well, it’s the mission, what do you expect?”.

    WHY is it OK for the unsafe conditions at 16th & mission to be tolerated?


    thing is, this is a family hood. there’s ALL KINDS of families in the hood. we deserve safe streets. even if we can’t solve the “gang problem”, we CAN and SHOULD work for the solutions to the other issues we have, many of which (in my opinion, on my end of the hood) stem from the 24/7 open air heroin & ho market that is 16th & mission.

    and my original point….if folks found energy to demand attention to THESE issues…the same level of energy that was found to address AA….seems to me a pretty big statement could be made.

  9. johnny0 says:

    Seems to me the Dolores Park cleanup could be a model for 16th and Mission. Then again, I bet a lot of the dealers just shifted from the park to BART back in the day — you still need to address the root issue. And I’m afraid with Depression 2.0 barreling down, things like this are only going to get worse.

    Maybe there needs to be some histper-MEDA outreach?

  10. zinzin says:

    maybe so. MEDA are working on their new HQ at 19th & mission. i met with the director there, he seemed OK, but i’ve heard from a lot of poeple that the truth is less than attractive about them. i dont have enough info to say, personally, but i hope to learn more.

    big issue on 16th is the poorly run SROs.

    i’m not saying they’re all bad,
    or that everyone in an SRO is doing something wrong
    or that the issues facing folks that live in SROs could be “solved”
    or that any efforts would drive a noe-valley-like vibe at 16th….

    but a handful of SROs between 16 & 18 are really fucking bad. i’m talking crackhead ho’s soliciting – loudly – in the front doorway at 11am on a tuesday.

    there’s no reason for that shit anywhere, much less a block from bart, my humble opinion.

  11. meave says:

    Out of the loop for a week and what the fuck? Everyone should be upset about shootings so close to BART, come ON, where are your priorities? And 24th Street is busy! Christ. That intersection is barely a minute walk to BART, and it’s pretty close to our precious jewel Valencia, too, and about two blocks away from a middle school.

    The 500 block of Shotwell is one block over from a playground. Cesar Chavez Elementary lays right between the places where both shootings occurred. And anyway, if violence continues at 24th and Capp there is a decent chance I am going to get shot–10 p.m. isn’t exactly late–and then what will you all do without me?

    But never mind my glibness, the pols at least ought to pay attention when violence happens so close to schools and plainly residential areas. Come on, Supes, think of the children already.

  12. zinzin says:

    no one gives a fuck about the mission.

    no one ever complains.

    no one ever demands safe streets.

    why would the BoS – i mean, think about the stupid crap on which they spend their time – do ANYTHING about, or for, or to benefit the mission unless they are forced to do so by people that are fed up?

    they never, ever, ever will.

  13. SimonSays says:

    @zinzin So what to do? I’m sick of this shit.

  14. zinzin says:

    fuck if i know man. i’ve never really cared about a hood like i do about the mission. and now as a homeowner and dad, well, i got something to protect. but everyone loves the hood for their own reasons. which is what makes it so great.

    i’ve been talking to some folks about it…but it’s the mission, right? so everything is hyper-politicized and self-referential and kind of sleazy in a not-so-good way (because i DO like it sleazy).

    like, i personally have a MAJOR issue with 16th & mission. like i posted before. it’s gross by any standard, and not safe by any standard.

    so i start to talk to a guy – a regular guy in the store, in fucking birite for god sakes – about it, we were specifically talking about safety in the hood, and he was all for safety as an issue in need of attention…

    so just off handedly i’m saying “jeez, wouldnt it be great if 16th street and mission wasnt such a fucking cesspool, because so much of the crime on this end of the hood stems from street trade over there”…because it seems to me that ANYONE could see that it is the case, and has been for a long time…

    and he immediately calls me a racist and tells me that i hate poor people (kind of like a lot of folks on this blog have done), and tells me i’m a non-compassionate yuppie asshole because “HOW DARE YOU (his words not mine) indict the poor stricken ho’s & crackheads & thugs (my words not his) that have to live in those SROs. these are people in need, not criminals”.

    i tell you, this is the truth. and i will also tell you….a lot of them ARE fucking criminals.

    so i dont know what the fuck to do.

    have a meeting. get organized. pick a focus. have a goal. network. be involved. make an effort. demand change.

  15. SF Squee says:

    Hey zinzin – I’m behind you. Please don’t be discouraged. You’re doing the right thing by objecting to the crime. I’ve gotten a lot of shit in the last few years for not being tolerant enough. San Francisco has unfortunately turned guilt and misguided compassion into an art. It needs to stop.

    After the string of murders last August I got over the guilt and started trying to make a difference one block at a time. The police can’t be everywhere all the time but in true neighborhood watch we can each watch out for at least one block in the Mission. If something needs fixing or cleaning-up (like graffiti, trash, and broke glass) I call 311. I call the police non-emergency number when something’s happening that doesn’t seem right. I’ve called 911 when a crime is happening.

    Don’t hesitate to call and don’t feel bad. The people answering these calls have been very helpful and I’ve seen results. Believe or not, the 311 and police none-emergency number work. I’ve even been thanked a few times with the person answering my call mentioning that they just don’t hear enough from people unless something big happens. When you need to call 911 its too late, so why should any of us tolerate the small stuff either? I may not have the ear of the BoS but every one of those calls is making a small difference.

    I love the Mission, my family, and my home too much to let criminals and other misguided residents pressure me into remaining silent.

  16. zinzin says:

    @ Squee – thanks. yeah i have a close & personal relationship with both 311 & 553-0123. always nice, always responsive, always helpful.