Now That's a Cogent Argument

Marcus says:

The bright lights at AA hurt my eyes coming home from the bars.


3 Responses to “Now That's a Cogent Argument”

  1. mcas says:

    This is so retarded.

    T-mobile @ 17th and Valencia

    Burger King @ Mission & Valencia

    All the chains on Mission Street.

    Let’s work to make the Mission better for everyone by stopping poverty, exploitation of workers, and evictions…. this is the silliest of all fights you could try to pick.

    This isn;t about anti-corporatism and you know it.

  2. zinzin says:

    i LOVE it when i agree with mcas.

  3. starrwitness says:

    It look me a while to figure out AA didn’t mean alcoholics anonymous…. I have to agree with mcas – i think people are singling out AA because it’s the cool thing to do. There are dozens of other small chain stores that could have opened there and no one would have protested. That being said, I think AA is pretty lame, and I wouldn’t look forward to one opening up in the mission. I just don’t see a need for one.