Back on November 4th, local tumblelog Many Machines noted that the kids in the writing program at 826 Valencia had been just ecstatic about Barack Obama. See that report and subsequent discussion here.
Yesterday, the full story behind this ecstatickness appeared in The New York Times. The piece includes a slide show of portraits the kids did of the president elect, as well as some of the results of a writing assignment is which students were asked to write a letter to Senator Obama. From 8-year-old Mireya Perez’s list of the first 10 things he should do as President:
1. Make everyone read books.
2. Don’t let teachers give kids hard homework.
3. Make a law where kids only get one page of homework per week.
Haha! Link. (Thanks, Chase!)
Also, will somebody please hurry up and license the above drawing by 12-year-old Dean Lancaster and put it on a t-shirt?
I may well do that
I run a t-shirt blog and sometimes license artwork. I just started selling this “Yes We Can” t-shirt that I licensed from and etsy designer