Write-In Candidate?

Photo by evilsigntist.

Update: Meave changes the subject:

Related to elections, but unrelated to Slayer, do you know why are Carmen Chu and Michela Alioto-Pier almost always the only supes opposed to city propositions, when any of the supes are opposed to them? My boyfriend jokes that Carmen Chu ran on a NO campaign, but for real, is that her thing? I have only lived here for five elections, not all of the rules are clear yet.


One Response to “Write-In Candidate?”

  1. meave says:

    Related to elections, but unrelated to Slayer, do you know why are Carmen Chu and Michela Alioto-Pier almost always the only supes opposed to city propositions, when any of the supes are opposed to them? My boyfriend jokes that Carmen Chu ran on a NO campaign, but for real, is that her thing? I have only lived here for five elections, not all of the rules are clear yet.