Tonight: Huge Sphere Full of Capitalist Excess

Artist Andrew Wilson filled a vessel with dirt, genetically modified corn, water, Skittles, hair gel and rat poison, and it will be on display in the window at ATA starting tonight. From the artist’s statement:

Through an opening in a large Lexan sphere I first laid down soil and planted in it genetically modified corn. I then gradually added Skittles, fruit-infused Garnier hair gel, and D-CON rat poison colored and shaped like candy, all stolen gradually from large chain stores.

Perhaps this thing will present a microcosm of the obscene excesses of global capitalism, as it invokes the spatial limits of growth that the smooth space of smooth capital seeks at every turn to negate.

Lots more here, including lengthy diatribes on each individual ingredient, and suggestions on how to get involved with the food sovereignty movement.

One Response to “Tonight: Huge Sphere Full of Capitalist Excess”

  1. johnny0 says:

    Ha, I misread

    “Through an opening in a large Lexan sphere…”


    “Through an opening in a large Texan sphere…”